An Estate Plan: More than just a Will — Josh McIntosh Law

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An Estate Plan: More than just a Will

Often times, clients come to me seeking help with drafting a Last Will and Testament (commonly referred to as just a Will).  While a Will is certainly an important document to secure the distribution of your assets upon death, it is just but one document out of several that is critical to ensuring the future of you and your family.  In addition to a Will, it is equally important to have (at the very least) three other critical documents in place: 1) a Living Will and Designation of Health Care Surrogate; 2) a Durable General Power of Attorney; and 3) a HIPPA Release Form.  Taken together, these documents create an Estate Plan.

To read more about what each of these instruments does and why they are important, please visit my Estate Planning and Probate page.  And, as always, contact me if you need help creating an Estate Plan or with any other legal issues you may be facing.