Arrested for drunk driving?  

Contact us for a free consultation.  

Were you stopped for, arrested for, or charged with driving under the influence?  Josh McIntosh Law can help.  You need a DUI attorney on your side as soon as possible to discuss your options and make sure your rights are protected.  DUI defense is complex and enlisting the services of a knowledgeable, driven attorney can prove invaluable to your case.

Contact Josh McIntosh Law today via email or by calling 859-217-4467.

How Josh McIntosh Law can help you fight a dui charge in Kentucky.

Below, we will discuss why it is essential to hire a DUI attorney in Kentucky.

Knowledge of the Law and preparing for trial

DUI laws can be complex and vary from state to state. An experienced DUI attorney will have extensive knowledge of Kentucky's DUI laws and will be able to explain them to you in a way that is easy to understand. They will also be able to assess your case and identify any potential legal issues or weaknesses in the prosecution's case to give your case the best shot at trial.

Protection of Your Legal Rights

A DUI attorney can protect your legal rights throughout the legal process. They will ensure that your rights are not violated and that you are treated fairly. They will also represent you in court, negotiate on your behalf, and work to secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Experience in Negotiating Plea Deals

In some cases, a DUI attorney can negotiate a plea deal on your behalf. This can result in reduced charges or a more lenient sentence. An experienced DUI attorney will know how to negotiate with prosecutors to secure the best possible outcome for your case.

Understanding of the DUI Process

A DUI attorney will have a thorough understanding of the DUI process and can guide you through each step of the legal process. They will explain what to expect and can help you prepare for court appearances, meetings with the prosecutor, and trial.

Knowledge of Courtroom Procedures

A DUI attorney will have experience in the courtroom and will be familiar with courtroom procedures. They will know how to present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, and make compelling arguments in your defense. They will also know how to navigate the legal system and ensure that your case is handled efficiently and effectively.

In conclusion, if you are facing a DUI charge in Kentucky, it is essential to hire an experienced DUI attorney to protect your legal rights, navigate the legal process, and secure the best possible outcome for your case. A DUI charge can have serious consequences, and a DUI attorney can help you understand your legal options and fight to protect your future.

Understanding the Law: Driving Under the Influence in Kentucky

If you are facing a DUI charge in Kentucky, it is important to understand the potential penalties that you could be facing. DUI penalties in Kentucky can be severe and can have a long-lasting impact on your life. In this article, we will discuss the penalties for a DUI in Kentucky.

First Offense DUI Penalties in Kentucky

If you are convicted of a first offense DUI in Kentucky, you can face the following penalties:

  • Jail time: Up to 30 days in jail. If aggravating circumstances, minimum 4 days jail.

  • Fines: A fine between $200 and $500.

  • License suspension: A license suspension no longer than 6 months.

  • Alcohol education or treatment: A mandatory alcohol education or treatment program, which may include a substance abuse assessment.

Second Offense DUI Penalties in Kentucky

If you are convicted of a second offense DUI in Kentucky, you can face the following penalties:

  • Jail time: A minimum of 7 days in jail up to 6 months. If aggravating circumstances, minimum 14 days jail.

  • Fines: A fine between $350 and $500.

  • License suspension: A license suspension no longer than 18 months.

  • Alcohol education or treatment: A mandatory alcohol education or treatment program, which may include a substance abuse assessment.

Third Offense DUI Penalties in Kentucky

If you are convicted of a third offense DUI in Kentucky, you can face the following penalties:

  • Jail time: A minimum of 30 days in jail up to 12 moths. If aggravating circumstances, minimum 60 days jail.

  • Fines: A fine between $500 and $1,000.

  • License suspension: A license suspension of no longer than 36 months.

  • Alcohol education or treatment: A mandatory alcohol education or treatment program, which may include a substance abuse assessment.

Fourth Offense DUI Penalties in Kentucky

If you are convicted of a fourth offense DUI in Kentucky, this is a Class D felony, and you can face the following penalties:

  • Jail time: 1 to 5 years. Must serve 120 days. If aggravating circumstances, minimum 240 days jail.

  • Fines: A fine between $1,000 and $10,000.

  • License suspension: A license suspension of no longer than 60 months.

  • Alcohol education or treatment: A mandatory alcohol education or treatment program, which may include a substance abuse assessment.

Additionally, if you are convicted of a DUI in Kentucky, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device on your vehicle. An ignition interlock device is a breathalyzer that is installed in your vehicle, and you must blow into the device to start your car. If the device detects alcohol on your breath, your car will not start.

In conclusion, the penalties for a DUI in Kentucky can be severe and can have a long-lasting impact on your life. If you are facing a DUI charge, it is important to speak with an experienced DUI defense attorney who can help you understand your legal rights and options.

Financing Available 

For some DUI/OVI cases, we offer financing to help you with the costs of attorney fees. 

Free consultation

We offer free consultations for most types of cases.

Remember, when it comes to hiring an attorney, the earlier the better!


Call (859) 217-4467 or complete the below form for a FREE consultation.